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p挪威难民理事会报告 [复制链接]



当前所在位置:中国论文 *治论文发表 挪威难民理事会报告:2014年自然灾害导致全球1930万人流离失所

2015年7月20日 挪威难民理事会(Norwegian Refugee Council)下设的“境内流离失所监测中心(The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre)”7月20日在日内瓦发布最新报告称,在过去七年中,平均每秒钟就有一个人因自然灾害而流徙;单在2014年一年,全球共有1930多万人因此背井离乡。报告称,世界各地的*策制定者正在积极推进出台2015年后的全球可持续发展议程,并呼吁国际社会关注和探讨灾害导致流离失所这一问题。



国际移民组织总干事斯温(William Lacy Swing)在报告发布会上指出,各国*府应把加强面临灾害流离失所风险较高的民众的抗灾韧性作为当前的优先工作事项,重点帮助当地社区强化防灾能力,修建稳固的基础设施,建立紧急预警系统和相关*策。报告进一步指出,世界领导人将于今年9月通过2015年后的可持续发展目标,同时2016年世界人道主义峰会也在积极筹备之中。

July 20, 2015 The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre under Norwegian Refugee Council released the latest report on July 20 in Geneva, saying that in the past seven years, every second one person became displaced because of natural disaster; in 2014 alone, totally 19.3 million people were displaced from their homes in the world. Policy makers around the world are actively promoting the formulation of post-2015 global sustainable development agenda and call for the international community to focus on and delve into the issue of displacement caused by disasters.

The report points out that today, the possibility of displacement due to natural disasters is 60% higher than that of 40 years ago, and the study of 34 cases shows that, in some cases, displacement caused by disaster lasts up to 26 years, and people in both the rich and the poor countries cannot be immune to it. For example, after Hurricane Sandy happened in 2012, the U.S. still has more than 56000 people who need to rely on governmental assistance; after suffering the earthquake, tsunami and accidental leakage of nuclear power plant, Japan have 230000 people who have not rebuilt their homes.

William Lacy Swing, Director General of the International Organization pointed out in the press conference of the report that the governments of all states should take it as the priority to strengthen the resilience of people who are facing higher risks of displacement caused by disasters, with the focus on helping the local communities to strengthen the disaster prevention ability, build solid infrastructure, and establish emergency warning system and related policies. The report further pointed out that the world leaders will adopt the post-2015 sustainable development goals in September, and World Humanitarian Summit is also in active preparations.


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